VFW helps community; receives donation from Alabama veteran

The Veterans of Foreign Wars has been an organization to help veterans in the community, and the Alabama Veteran organization recently presented a check to the local VFW for help with important expenses.
“We are an organization of veterans who have served in the United States Armed Forces in conflicts or times of war. Our mission is to serve veterans and their families. We are currently the only VFW in Covington County,” VFW Post 4388 Commander Tom Stevens said.
In November 2020, the local post, which is located in Red Level, was completely destroyed in a fire.
“We are currently rebuilding and have had a building erected. We are starting work to complete the inside, but this has been slow to process due to funding and COVID,” he said.
Stevens added that the VFW contributes to different organizations throughout the community.
“We are always willing to support any worthwhile group in the area. We offer a chance for students to earn scholarships each year through our Patriots Pen and Voice of Democracy program. There are ways to recognize outstanding teachers, police officers and firefighters, or any hero who has done something good for this area. As soon as possible, we will continue on with programs that involve the public such as nation holiday meals and flag burning ceremonies, where we retire flags that are damaged. In the last couple of years, we have had a 4th of July fireworks show, which has continuously grown from its start.”
The VFW traces its roots back to 1899 with veterans of the Spanish-American War and the Philippine Insurrection. By 1915, membership grew to 5,000, and that number further increased to almost 200,000 organizations by 1936. Now, the nearly 2 million members of VFW and its auxiliaries contribute more than 8.6 million hours of volunteer time in their local communities.
Stevens said the VFW meets on the second Saturday of each month at 8 a.m. at the Red Level VFW Post 4388 to conduct post business. “If you are a veteran of a foreign war, I encourage you to come to a meeting and find out more about us. If you want to help our community and our veterans, remember our oath of enlistment has no expiration date.”
He served in the United States Army and Alabama National Guard retiring after 30 years and is grateful for any help toward the local VFW organization.
“I served in Iraq in 2007 with HHC 1/131 Armor Cav. I’d like to thank everyone on behalf of our members for all donations so far. These donations go a long way to helping veterans and their families,” Stevens said.
For more information visit the Red Level VFW Post 4388 Facebook page to keep up with upcoming events, call Commander Tom Stevens at 334-892-3202, or view their website at www.vfw4388.org.
VFW Post 4388 is located at 4861 Oglesby Road in Red Level.
“In closing, I ask everyone to keep our service members still serving throughout the world in their hearts and prayers,” Stevens said.
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