
OCC crowns a new champion

Oak Creek Country Club finally honored its new champion at the Women’s Club Champion Tournament at their Christmas luncheon last week.

Every year the country club hosts the 18-hole tournament over three days in October. As usual the lowest score earns the title. This year, LeeAnn Morgan was named the winner with a total score of 116.

“I’ve been a member at Oakcreek Country Club for almost 28 years and although our ladies club has fewer members than when I first joined, we are a fun, close and competitive group,” Morgan said. “After some tough competition, I’m proud to be this year’s club champion.”

Oakcreek Country Club, located in the VOC, has been hosting tournaments since 1968. The women’s tourna­ment has been meeting on Tuesdays for a long time as well. Many of these women continue on to play against competitors in the country after their success in the VOC.

Although Morgan took home the title, Donna Cantello had the second strongest competition with the low net title.

There was also a portion for the Senior Flight where Marion Maby scored the lowest gross score and Phyllis Halprin gained the low net score.

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“The women from Oakcreek Country Club have a very good reputation for strong play and courteous behavior,” Oakcreek Country Club vice president and committee chair member Julie Larson said. “It is always a pleasure to represent our club and be able to play against other women who love the game.”

The club will be continuing this tradition in years to come for members of the women’s group.

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Arizona News (Sedona)

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