Children’s storytime returns to public library

The Andalusia Public Library is excited to announce its Friday morning preschool story time program is back in full swing after a month-long hiatus.
Children’s Librarian Caryl Lee Ray reads a story to children at the Andalusia Public Library.
Story time takes place at APL each Friday morning beginning at 10:30 a.m. downstairs in the children’s area.
“We had to suspend story time for the month of January because of the COVID numbers rising in the area. With things starting to look better, we are able to start back and have kids with their parents and grandparents. Everybody is wearing a mask and socially distancing, so we are being safe. This month, we are talking about snowmen and will discuss Valentine’s Day next week with some cookies for a treat. I need all the kids, parents, and grandparents to come back and enjoy this special time we have at the library,” Children’s Librarian Caryl Lee Ray said.
Kids work with their parents and grandparents to make snowmen.
Children began the morning by listening to Ray read a story about snowmen and the cold weather. She then performed a puppet show for the kids and their families featuring a bunny rabbit, cow, and pig with “snow” falling from the sky. Afterward, kids enjoyed the opportunity to decorate their own snowmen.
“This is always a fun time for the kids, and it is something we look forward to each time we are able to have it. We were disappointed we could not have story time in January but are glad to be back and look forward to sharing more stories and activities with our children,” Ray added.
Madison Parrish assists her daughter during the children’s snowman-making activity at the library.
For more information visit the Andalusia Public Library at 212 South Three Notch Street or call 334-222-6612.
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