
Baas & Barks: APL holds Pet Day at storytime

With hopes of growing the Andalusia Public Library’s Story Time program, children in attendance received an extra special treat with baby goats and puppies Friday.

Children attend Story Time at the Andalusia Public Library with Children’s Librarian Caryl Lee Ray and get love from a baby goat Friday.

“We love the idea of Pet Day at the library because it gives the children a chance to see and experience pets and have a hands-on relationship with them they normally wouldn’t get to see. The baby goats were from a lady here in town with the most pets. The puppies were a husky breed and came from a library mother who shared them with the children. The kids’ faces when they see the animals and get to touch them as well as hold them light up. The best part of all of this is that the children are thrilled to have that interaction with these animals,” Children’s Librarian Caryl Lee Ray said.

She added that there are other animals that will make their presence at the library.

Eli Sullivan pets a baby goat at the library’s Story Time event Friday morning.

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“We can do baby chicks, baby ducks, baby turtles, and kittens. For some kids, this is the only chance they will get to have with a pet. I love the fact we have had big crowds coming to the library and participating in our Friday morning activities. The kids were able to make bird feeders and take them home to share with their families today as well. It really is the best job ever.”

The theme for the Friday, Feb. 25 edition of Story Time will be dragons.

Josiah Bass, left, and Ella Claire Jones share some quality time with new husky puppies at the library.

The Andalusia Public Library is located at 212 South Three Notch Street and is open from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. For more information e-mail or call 334-222-6612.

“We thank all of you who have been joining us each Friday morning and look forward to seeing even more in attendance next time,” Ray added.

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