Andalusia BOE addresses second semester personnel matters
Andalusia City Schools handled personnel matters for the second semester at a special called board meeting in the Woodson Learning Center Conference Room Monday night.
During the meeting the board approved:
- Georgia Dean as 7th grade science teacher at Andalusia Junior High School effective Dec. 31, 2021
- Karlie Hall from behavioral paraprofessional (ESSER) to special education paraprofessional at Andalusia Elementary School effective Jan. 4
- Cameron Hamby as behavioral paraprofessional (ESSER) at AES effective Jan. 3
- Madison Ballard as 7th grade science teacher at AJHS effective Jan. 4
- Joni Berry as behavioral paraprofessional (ESSER) at AJHS effective Jan. 4
The board set the next meeting for Monday, Jan. 24 at 6 p.m.